''You must beleive in yourself, my son, or no one else will beleive in you. Be self confident, self-reliant, and even if you don't make it, you will know you have done your best''. (Mary H. MacArthur) TO BE A SUCCESSFUL HUMAN FOLLOWING ARE THE SIMPLE STEPS TO FOLLOW.
How do you believe IN YOU?
It’s not enough to just say “Oh, just believe and it will happen.”What I mean by that is we never really formed our own beliefs.majority of your beliefs came from outside of you,It’s time to take charge of our own beliefs.
Step 1: You HAVE TO  state a specific belief FIRST in order to believe it. 
Step 2: HAMMER that belief into yourself CONTINUOUSLY. Beliefs are NOT formed overnight.
1. Write your belief down everyday.
2. Put it everywhere you see.
3. Visualize your belief already achieved everyday.
Reality lives alone in the you have to change negative thoughts into positive in your mind so that it will become positive reality
Step 3: Continually associate with those who share same belief as you have.
Step 4: Confirm Your Belief in Your Environment by noting others that are practicing on the same belief
Reality will start to shape according to your belief.
Whenever you see confirmation of your belief in your environment, RECORD IT. 
The greatest evidence that something can be done is if another person has done it.
The reason why most people fail in the attainment of their high set goals is because they try to take action FIRST, without taking the time to really set the foundation of FIRST believing that they can.+''Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves''. (George Bernard Show)

stop stressing
              a moderate stress is a good thing but when it becomes your will led you towards crisses.stress will not led you toward sucess but roll down you from the line
here are some tips to act upon  
          1  focus on your Breathing - Breathe slowly and deeply 
          2  Visualize yourself as Calm and Composed  
          3 Make Time for a Mini Self-Massage 
          4 Listen to Music 
          5 Smile and Say Cheese often  
              6 Say out loudly your Prayers
              7 Reaffirm positive affirmations
               8 Start writing down your thoughts on Paper
    1. 9 Count to numbers in reverse order... 100 to 1
    2. 10 Watch comedy program on TV
    3. 11 Just Say No to what you don’t like
    4. 12 Warm up yourself by stretching
    5. 13 Try out self - Acupressure by stimulating various points
    6. 14 Schedule a future Worry Time where you will sit and worry
    7. 15 Shake It Up
    8. 16 Munch Some Snacks and ice creams
    9. 17 Go for a walk or a drive
    10. 18 Share it with near and dear ones
    11. 19 Let go your Ego
    12. 20 Smell some flowers

    self confidence

    i m super confident
    the basic step towards success is the self confidence .if you  r lacking from it you are having a great are loosing what you really deserve.the few steps that i m going to tell you will increase your living potential
    1.dress smartly
        this oes not  means you spend a lot of money on your clothing.but it means choose the best cloths that reflects your personality be care full about your wearing stay in style but not be over stylish
    2;walk with an aim
     people with confidence do everything purposeful.they have important works to do .they have to meet people.visits new when you know what you have to do you move straight towards your goal this increase your walking speed and you look and feel more important
    3;good posture
       people with confidence have a good posture .they sit straight.their head is high their voice is firm which overall effects a positive and healthy output by practicing good posture you will automatically feel confident
    4:surround your self with positive people
        yes this is very important helps as a motivational factor and increase your self esteem.positive people through positive energy which makes the other person positive make friends with successful and positive peoples.and discard negative people from your life
    5;speak up
        when ever you are in a group in a class let your voice heard do not remain silent boost yourself to speak because if you do not speak you will be neglected by people and people will not like you because they can;t understand you as  you do not represent yourself when you speak you will notice that many people has the same view as you have and you will recognized as a leader by your peers

    law of attraction

      '' a man is what he thinks'' is a very popular quote.NOW every man thinks that he thinks the best for himself.with out noticing that  all its nightmares are in his minds not outside him a wise man said if you want to change the world change your self..when inside changes outside automatically changes. now here is the point stop crying on your life and start realizing your weaknesses and make them your power by accepting them changing them and converting them into positive habits

      visualization your dream when ever you Wake up visualize your dream before sleep visualize your dream coming true and you will start noticing how your subconscious starts to lead you towards your success visualization works as a magic and let your dream come reality.always visualize positive.

    fighting stress

    what is the basic thing towards success

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